Politically engaged

Do you affiliate with a political party?
Yes, I’m a Republican 23%

Yes, I’m a Democrat 33%
No, I’m an independent 44%

How would you characterize your political views?
Socially liberal, fiscally liberal  31%
Socially liberal, fiscally conservative  36%
Socially conservative, fiscally liberal  12%
Socially conservative, fiscally conservative  22%

Did you vote in the last presidential election?
Yes  70%
No  30%

51 percent believe abortion should remain legal.

33 percent believe the U.S. government should create a shortened path toward citizenship for illegal immigrants.

39 percent believe community service should be required of all U.S. Citizens.

78 percent believe military service should not be required.

Should gay marriage be legalized throughout the U.S.?
Yes  64%
No  22%
Undecided  8%
No opinion  6%

Do you support the death penalty?
Yes  45%
No  32%
Undecided  19%
No opinion  5%

How often do you participate in volunteer work?
0 hours per month  27%
1-3 hours per month  40%
4-6 hours per month  18%
More than 6 hours per month  16%

Do you believe in a god?
Yes  71%
No  16%
No, but I believe in a higher power  13%

Do you attend religious services regularly?
Yes  35%
No  65%

68 percent believe people are inherently good.

Addicted to love

Sexual orientation
Heterosexual   93%
Bisexual   5%
Gay   3%

Which best describes your sex life?
I have no sex life  31%
I hook up when possible  13%
I’m in an exclusive relationship with someone I love  56%

What is MOST essential or important when selecting sexual partners?
Physical attraction  12%
Sense of humor  14%
Intelligence  16%
Shared values  57%

84 percent have been in a committed relationship.

21 percent have been unfaithful when in a committed relationship.

82 percent would rather be smart than attractive.

22 percent would trade a few IQ points in return for improving their looks.

How often do you exercise?
Never  13%
1-4 hours a week  57%
5-7 hours a week  19%
More than 7 hours per week  10%

Do you smoke?
Never  75%
Yes  10%
Used to, but stopped  15%

Do you use recreational drugs?
Never  76%
Yes  10%
Used to, but stopped  13%

Have you ever used drugs that were prescribed for someone else?
Yes  19%
No  81%

Step up
Sounding off

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