Cameron Lindsey
Bill French Alumni Service Award
When Cameron Lindsey (Pharm.D. ’98) saw that donated medications from pharmaceutical companies were not making it to patients at the Jackson County Free Health Clinic where she worked as a volunteer, she acted. Lindsey formed the Patient Medication Assistance Program, and a decade later, the program helps coordinate paperwork with drug manufacturers, provides medication education, and teaches insulin and glucose monitoring for about 60 patients per week.
Lindsey is an associate professor at the School of Pharmacy and practices at the Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center, where her residency program trains students in combating cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart failure and anti-coagulation. The School’s student and faculty volunteer work has resulted in nearly 17,000 patients served, more than 20,000 prescriptions provided, more than $2 million in savings and 33,000 people educated since 2007.
Lindsey was also the driving force in the School of Pharmacy’s being honored by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s (AACP) 2010 Transformative Community Service Award, the 2009 ACCP Student Community Engaged Service Award and the 2007 AACP Crystal Apple Award. UMKC’s School of Pharmacy is the only school in the nation to receive all three AACP awards. Among her other career honors, Lindsey is a three-time UMKC School of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year recipient (’05, ’06, ’09). She was also named the UMKC Campus Advisor of the year in 2008 and received the 2010 Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. “She is able to see what students are capable of,” says pharmacy student Kristin Fish, “and finds ways to bring out the best in each of us.”
Lindsey has been honored with many awards from the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA ASA), including National Outstanding Advisor of the Year award in 2009, and she was one of Ingram’s magazine’s Heroes in Healthcare in 2004. For her outstanding service to UMKC, Lindsey received the 2010 Bill French Alumni Service Award, named in honor of UMKC’s first vice chancellor for University Advancement.